With trip planner, you can save 100 routes, specify via points and preview simulated turns on the 2465's wide screen.
With myTrends ™, when you save your regular destinations in your “Favorites,” your nüvi 2465 will, over time, begin to figure out where you’re going even without your telling it! It provides time of arrival and relevant traffic information. So whether you’re driving to and from work or a regularly scheduled weekly event, your nüvi 2465 will help you get there on time. No subscription or additional cost required.
Use ecoRoute with your nüvi and you’ll have details about your fuel consumption based on your driving habits right at your fingertips. From information of your impact on the environment to gas-saving tips while you’re on the go, you’ll be able to focus on fuel and energy conservation when you’re behind the wheel or planning your next trip.