
All the information you need is displayed either right on your chartplotter or on a wide variety of high-precision glass-bonded instrument displays. Garmin offers a wide selection of instruments designed for both sail and power vessels. Some are specialized for sailing and sail racing.

GNX™ Wireless Wind Pack
Keep track of the wind with GNX™ Wind instrument and gWind™ Wireless 2 transducer

GNX Wireless Sail Pack 52 (DST810)

GMI/GNX Wired Sail Pack 52
GMI 20, GNX 20, gWind Wired and DST810 transducers

GNX Wireless Sail Pack 43

GNX Wired Sail Pack 43

GNX™ 130 10-inch Large Format Marine Instrument

GNX™ 120 7-inch Large Format Marine Instrument

GNX™ Wind Marine Instrument

GNX™ 20 Marine Instrument

GNX™ 21 Marine Instrument